Violating a Restraining Order: What Happens

Violating a Restraining Order: What Happens

California law allows for alleged victims of harassment, abuse, threats, and other similar conduct to obtain restraining orders protecting them from contact by alleged aggressors. Subjects of the protective orders must adhere to the terms imposed by the court or face harsh penalties. Read on to learn about the penalties for violating a restraining order, […]

What are the CBD Label Requirements for the FDA?

What are the CBD Label Requirements for the FDA?

The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has come to recognize the potential benefits of therapies and other consumer products derived from the cannabis component cannabidiol (CBD). Over the last few years, the FDA has legalized hemp-derived CBD for industrial use, and those products are now treated as agricultural commodities. CBD products have exploded into […]

Illegal vs. Legal Weed in California: CA Struggles With Black-Market Dealers in 2021

Illegal vs. Legal Weed in California: CA Struggles With Black-Market Dealers in 2021

The sale of recreational cannabis and cannabis products is legal in California and has been since 2018. The sale of medicinal marijuana was legalized several years before that. Despite the legalization, however, unlicensed sellers continue to flood the market with illegal marijuana sales. Recreational distribution licenses can be expensive and difficult to obtain; many counties […]

City of Santa Monica / Culver City: Cannabis Business License Regulations

City of Santa Monica / Culver City: Cannabis Business License Regulations

Starting up a new cannabis business is exciting, but there are a number of regulatory and legal hoops to jump through. There are many state and local agencies to deal with, each with their own licensing requirements, reporting requirements, and other regulations. If you are in Santa Monica or Culver City, you might be able […]

What is the California Cannabis Equity Act?

What is the California Cannabis Equity Act?

California has been leading the charge in both advancing the commercial and medicinal marijuana industries as well as rectifying the damage done by years of marijuana prohibition. Legislators and civil rights advocates rightly demand measures aimed at fixing the harm caused particularly to disadvantaged communities by cannabis prohibition. A bill signed into law in 2018 […]

Selling Marijuana to a Minor in Los Angeles: Law & Sentencing

Selling Marijuana to a Minor in Los Angeles: Law & Sentencing

The possession and sale of cannabis are legal across the State of California for both medicinal and recreational purposes. With proper licensing, you can set up a cannabis distribution company and sell to just about anyone without the need for a prescription or other hurdles. However, like alcohol, cannabis possession and sale are restricted to […]

How Do Police Prove Impairment With DUI Marijuana Cases?

How Do Police Prove Impairment With DUI Marijuana Cases?

California law renders it illegal to drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Proving that a driver is guilty of driving under the influence of marijuana (DUI-marijuana) is more complex than proving DUI-alcohol. There is no “per se” amount of marijuana a person has to smoke or ingest in order to be unlawfully […]

How the Religious Freedom Restoration Act Helps Cannabis Churches

How the Religious Freedom Restoration Act Helps Cannabis Churches

Cannabis churches have been cropping up around California and other states in recent years. These “churches” assert that cannabis is used as a sacrament, much like wine in many Christian denominations. While cannabis is legal state-wide, the state leaves the particulars to each municipality. In cities and counties that continue to prohibit cannabis distributors from […]

What are the Hemp Laws in CA? Is Hemp Legal?

What are the Hemp Laws in CA? Is Hemp Legal?

The cannabis industry is rapidly expanding, and cannabis laws and regulations are rapidly changing. As federal and California state laws update to reflect the shift in perception of cannabis and cannabis products, it’s important to keep on top of what is and is not legal, and what regulatory requirements apply to various types of products. […]

Tips to Start a CBD business in CA

Tips to Start a CBD business in CA

CBD is a rapidly-growing industry in California and across the country. Regulations and state laws are making it easier by the day to enter into the industry, removing regulatory and legal hurdles from selling products locally and, depending on the product, across state lines. Starting a CBD business carries its share of complexities and hurdles. […]

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